Summer is a volatile dragon

"Le 21 juin c'est le premier jour de l'été," said an online French newspaper for teenagers.

The 21 June is the first day of the summer, it says. The newspaper is right there. According to the Lunar calendar, today marks the arrival of summer.

To me, summer is like a volatile dragon at the prime of its life. The hot-headed young creature is energetic, powerful and reckless, and has a very unpredictable temperament. It can be at its charming best at one moment, and utterly devastating or devastated the next. Now it gives you its brighest smile and warmest embrace. Now it pulls a dark face, howling and wailing, bursting into tears, spitting out its fury like fire, destroying everything that stands in its way.

It is not easy to fall in love with this fickle dragon, but to me this love affair has lasted all my life.

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